Sample of Bituach Leumi Benefits
Sarah Sacks
Aug-14th, 2018 12:23
Bituach Leumi offers many benefits for those who are eligible. These benefits include maternity leave, unemployment, disability, foreign aides, and much more. Further details and additional benefits can be researched on the Kol Zchut and Bituach Leumi websites.

Child Benefits

In addition to health insurance coverage, parents receive kitzvat yeladim, a monthly allowance for each eligible child. Bituach Leumi has also recently established a nationwide savings plan for children in Israel called Chisachon L’Kol Yeled.

Kitzvat Yeladim

Once your child is registered with Bituach Leumi, you are eligible to receive kitzvat yeladim, a monthly child stipend. Each month, you will receive payment of about 150 NIS per child into your bank account. Kitzvat yeladim can be received only through an Israeli bank account that lists the mother as the owner or shared owner. This stipend is paid regardless of income. For an approximation of the total amount you should be receiving for kitzvat yeladim, try Bituach Leumi’s online kitzvat yeladim calculator.

If you obtained the child’s teudat leidah (Israeli birth certificate) within a month of his birth, you can receive kitzvat yeladim retroactively for up to a year preceding your child’s Bituach Leumi registration. If you got it after that, or if the child was born outside Israel, you will probably receive only three months of retroactive payments.
Please note: if your child resides outside of Israel for a period of over three months, your kitzvat yeladim stipend will automatically cease. After he returns to Israel, go into Bituach Leumi to reinstate payments..

Chisachon L’Kol Yeled

In January 2017, Bituach Leumi began the Chisachon L’Kol Yeled (savings for each child) program. The program ensures that all children in Israel have savings to access when they reach adulthood.

Until a child turns 18, Bituach Leumi deposits 50 NIS per month into either a savings account or an investment fund in the child’s name. The track to be used is chosen by the parents. Parents may also choose to add up to 50 NIS per month from their kitzvat yeladim allowance, doubling the deposit sum to 100 NIS a month. Money can be withdrawn from the plan under extenuating circumstances only. Leaving Israel and cancelling your Bituach Leumi membership does not give you access to the money accumulated until then.

When children turn 18, Bituach Leumi deposits a special grant of 500 NIS and the child may withdraw the savings with parental consent. If the funds are not withdrawn until the child turns 21, Bituach Leumi deposits an additional grant of 500 NIS, and the child may withdraw the funds without parental consent.

All management fees are paid for by Bituach Leumi until the child reaches age 21. After age 21, management fees will be taken from the saver’s account.

Parents will receive a report on the deposits and gains of each child’s plan every year.

Be aware that some track options may involve questions of ribbis as well as certain tax concerns for U.S. citizens. Please discuss these concerns with appropriate rabbinical and financial advisers.

To learn more, change your track option, or double your child’s savings, visit the Child Savings Plan page on the Bituach Leumi website.

Birth-Related Benefits

For more information on birth-related topics, see our guide on Legalities Involved in Birth.

D’mei Leidah (Paid Maternity Leave)

Working women are entitled to maternity leave, or chofesh leidah, from Bituach Leumi after a live birth at any point in pregnancy or a stillbirth after 22 full weeks of pregnancy. Whether or not you receive pay during this time, called dmei leidah, depends on the amount of months you made Bituach Leumi contributions off your salary, prior to the birth. If you worked for 10 of the 14 months (or 15 of 22) preceding the birth, you are entitled to 15 weeks (105 days) of paid leave. If you worked for 6 of the 14 months before the birth, you are entitled to 8 weeks (56 days) of paid leave, but are required to stay out of work for the full 15 weeks.

Maternity leave may be extended for multiple births or in cases where mother or baby require extended hospitalization.

Maternity leave may begin from 53 days before the due date.

It is possible for a husband to take leave instead of his wife if she is entitled to the full 16 week leave. His leave must be for a minimum of 21 days in a row, beginning 6 weeks after the birth. He must submit the Claim for Paternity Allowance Form with a letter from his wife stating that she allows her husband to take the leave instead of her and that she went back to work. If a mother is incapable of caring for her baby for whatever reason, the father can take her leave starting even from the first day.

The amount of money you will receive is based on the average of your salary from the three months or six months preceding the birth,whichever is greater. The maximum amount you can receive is NIS 1,481.33 per day. The money will be deposited in one payment into your bank account. If you owe money to Bituach Leumi, the money will be deducted from the d’mei leidah.

Filing for Maternity Leave

In the following instances, d’mei leidah will be deposited automatically into your bank account without the need to file a claim:

You are a self-employed Israeli citizen

You work for an employer who has a direct arrangement with Bituach Leumi and will file the claim for you

You were receiving monthly unemployment until the birth

You were receiving bedrest benefit from Bituach Leumi until the birth

If these do not apply to you, you must file a claim for d’mei leidah. You may submit the claim from 7.5 weeks (53 days) before the due date until 12 months after the birth. Note that if you submit it before the birth, a doctor must sign to authorize the due date. The application may be faxed, mailed, uploaded online, or placed in an envelope in the service box outside the Bituach Leumi office.

What you’ll need:

Maternity Allowance Claim Form

If you do not have a teudat zehut: an authorization of your bank account to the claim form.

If you gave birth at home or abroad: an ishur leidah (authorization of birth) from the hospital

If you could not work to your regular capacity in the three months before birth, for reasons related to the pregnancy or because of illness, a strike, or another reason, you may be able to have your d'mei leidah calculated according to the months preceding this change. You must present Bituach Leumi with proof of the excuse. If you have the right ishurim, Bituach Leumi may consider paying you according to the months before your salary was decreased.

Maanak Leidah (Birth Grant)

Maanak leidah is a sum of money that Bituach Leumi deposits into a member’s bank account after she gives birth. In most cases, there is no need to file a claim. The hospital informs Bituach Leumi of the birth, and the money is deposited directly into the member’s Israeli bank account within approximately two weeks. Members receive an automated phone call or a letter in the mail from Bituach Leumi as notification.

In certain cases, a request must be manually submitted. A Bituach Leumi member who gave birth overseas must file a claim for maanak leidah upon her return. A foreign citizen who gave birth during her waiting period for Bituach Leumi may file a request for maanak leidah once she and her baby are registered with Bituach Leumi. Adoptive parents must also manually file a claim. Requests must be submitted within 18 months of the birth.

To request maanak leidah in any of the above instances, submit the following via Internet upload, by mail, by fax, or in person, or place it in a labeled envelope in the service box outside the entrance to any Bituach Leumi branch.

1.Completed form BL300

2.Teudat zehut with child listed, or parents’ and child’s passport and two copies

3.Birth certificate or discharge papers from hospital that specify the child’s name

4.Confirmation of receipt of payment from hospital

5.If you do not have a teudat zehut – proof that you have a bank account in Israel (the account must be under the mother’s name)

6.If you and/or your spouse are employed in Israel – confirmation of employment from the employer(s)

As of 2020, maanak leidah is granted as follows:

First child: 1,783 NIS

Second child: 802 NIS

Third child and on: 535 NIS

Twins: 8,915 NIS

Triplets: 13,373 NIS


If there was a miscarriage after week 22, Bituach Leumi grants all birth-related benefits, including maanak leidah and d’mei leidah.

Shmirat Herayon (Bedrest)

If you are required to be on bedrest for at least 30 consecutive days or are unable to work at your particular job for reasons due to your pregnancy, you are entitled to compensation from Bituach Leumi. If you come off bedrest and then need it again, you can receive additional bedrest benefit if subsequent periods are 14 days or longer.

To be entitled to bedrest coverage, you have to have been paying Bituach Leumi contributions off your salary for at least 6 of the 14 months preceding the bedrest. The claim may be submitted from 30 days into bedrest until 12 months from its onset.

The bedrest benefit is calculated based on the average of the 3 months or the 6 months preceding the bedrest, whichever is larger, up to a maximum salary of 291.90 NIS a day. Bituach Leumi payments are deducted from the benefit as they are from your salary.

To claim your bedrest benefit, submit a Bedrest Benefit Form, part of which is filled out by your employer, along with a Medical Authorization Form signed by a high-risk gynecologist. If the reason for your cessation of work is due to the type of work or the work environment (e.g. you are a gym teacher or a miner), you will need authorization from a rofeh taasukati (a work environmental doctor) that you are unable to work at that particular job. The forms can be faxed, mailed, or dropped off at the service box of any Bituach Leumi branch.

A Bituach Leumi doctor will review your forms. You may be notified with a request for more information before receiving your final approval. Once approved, you will need to call the automated bedrest hotline at 08-650-9934 to update them of your working status each month.

If you are on bedrest up until you give birth, and you have already sent in your claim, Bituach Leumi will automatically begin to pay d’mei leidah (maternity leave; see above) into your account as soon as they are notified of the birth by the hospital. You will not need to submit a separate claim for d’mei leidah, nor will you have to report the birth via the hotline.

Kitzvat Nayadut (Allowance for Mobility Assistance)

If your mobility is low, you may be eligible for kitzvat nayadut toward daily transportation. Your eligibility must be determined and approved by the vaada refuit (medical board) of the Ministry of Health, who will ascertain your level of mobility. Instructions are available online as to how to file a claim for kitzvat nayadut and the documents you need to provide.

Kitzvat Neichut (Disability)

Loss of 50% of working capabilities due to an accident, sickness, or any physical, emotional, and mental disabilities usually results in eligibility for kitzvat neichut.

If a housewife has lost 50% of her capability to manage her house, she may also be eligible to receive it. The amount of compensation allotted depends upon the level of the disability as determined by the medical board of Bituach Leumi.

The claim for kitzvat neichut may be submitted via fax or mail, or by dropping it off at the Bituach Leumi service box. Attach any medical records that can support your claim. The claim may be filled out online.

It is extremely common for claims of neichut to be rejected at first. There is an appeals process that you should be prepared to utilize. Even if your appeal is rejected, you have the option of pursuing your case in the Beit HaDin L’Avoda, which has jurisdiction over Bituach Leumi. The benefits you stand to gain should your claim be validated make this an avenue worth exploring.

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